This is the submission for the Global Game Jam 2022 with the theme "Duality".

DualSwitch is a 2D platform game where you switch between a circle and a cube to make your way through the level. The circle is able to constantly roll and travel over fire, and the cube can slide over ice and stay on moving platforms. But be careful, the circle is hot enough to melt ice, but the cube can't stay for very long on fire! Switch between the two characters to traverse your way through the level, and if you're lucky you'll find the Bonus Level to play! In the Bonus Level, use the appropriate character to jump on the platforms to make your way up and collect starts.


  • SPACE - Switch characters
  • MOUSE - Bonus level: drag to move character


  • Use the Settings in the Main Menu to turn sound and adjust the volumes
  • Use the circle to melt through ice
  • Make sure you switch to the cube to land on the moving (green) platforms
  • Avoid spikes! (unless you want to restart the level)


We incorporated the theme duality in the game by using two-character controls with differing abilities that can be used together to complete the levels. We also incorporated duality in the main and bonus level designs, where the player aims to make their way down in the main level, but make their way up on the bonus level.


Lizzie Briggs - Programming

Leena Jarvenpaar - UI, Programming

Music sourced from Mrthenoronha

UI sounds sourced from Kenney


DuelSwitch - PC Build 29 MB

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